Monday, December 17, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Homemade Chili

Tuesday: Cheesy Turkey Dumplings (using more leftover turkey from Thankgiving that is in my freezer) :)

Wednesday: Ravioli Lasagna

Thursday: Meatloaf with cheesy augratin potatoes

Friday: Homemade Pizza, I use a pizza crust recipe from Tammy's Recipes.

For more menus visit here.


Betsy said...

Great testimony, great menu!

Speaking from the Heart said...

Your menu sounds yummy. I read your profile, and I am in awe with your determination to stay healthy. I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I am trying to loose weight so that I can get off my medicine.

I will keep you in my prayers.

Your Sister in Christ,

Angelicdevil said...

i'm working on my menu for the next two weeks and will have to add your chilli to my menu, sounds great.

also i was wondering if i could bother you for your cauliflower soup recipe, i've never tried that type of soup and as i can pick up cauliflower's cheap at the moment i want to get some in the freezer. i've planned to put shepard's pie in my menu too and use the cauliflower on the top.

Katz said...

i'm so glad i found your blog. thanks for all the tips!

Natalie said...

So many people are having chili this week...yum!!! I sort of have it on my menu, planning on Wendy's. LOL!

My Menu Plan is up too! :)